Things to do the night before your wedding - Emma Gray Photography featured image

5 things to do the night before your wedding and 2 to definitely not

The night before your big day is always painted out in films as the perfect whirl of champagne, matching pyjamas and swapping stories with your girls.

And it totally can be, once you’ve done any last-minute prep to ensure your wedding runs to plan.

Here’s our guide to the dos and don’ts of your last night as a singleton…

DO run through your speech one last time to make sure you’re confident in your delivery and make sure your notes are safely stored ready for you on the big day.

DO hang up your dress or wedding outfit where it has plenty of space to make sure any little creases fall out.

DON’T try any new fake tan, facial or beauty routine you’ve never tested before. The last thing you need on your wedding day is a bad reaction or dodgy streaks.

DO clean your engagement ring to give it an extra sparkle in your photos.

Things to do the night before your wedding - Emma Gray Photography

DO give your family and wedding party gifts and enjoy this time with them.

DO enjoy a couple of drinks with your ‘maids or guys and try to have as relaxed an evening as you can.

But absolutely DON’T overdo it! The last thing anyone wants to see if a bride or groom fighting back sick at the altar.

For more tips and wedding planning guides head to the Be Inspired section here