Everything you need to know about same-sex marriage in Scotland

Did you know Scotland was the first UK country to consult on same-sex marriage, and the life-changing legislation made history when the Scottish Parliament voted it in with a massive majority of 105 to just 18?

An insanely powerful message about our approach to equality, same-sex marriage has been legal in Scotland since 16 December 2014.

On that date many civil partners converted their relationships into marriages, while the first same-sex marriage ceremonies occurred on 31 December 2014.

By 2015, one in eight Scottish marriages were said to be same-sex and by 2019, more than 6,000 had taken place.

Fast-forward to 2022 and here’s what you need to know:

  • You can get married or register a civil partnership in one of three ways – a civil ceremony, a religious ceremony or a belief ceremony. Dreaming of a church wedding? It’s up to each religious body to ‘opt in’ to the change in law so find out whether your church has chosen to do so.
  • According to the Church of Scotland website; “At present the Law of the Church of Scotland only allows ministers and deacons to marry opposite-sex couples.” However, in May 2021 The General Assembly voted to approve draft legislation that would allow ministers of Word and Sacrament and deacons to marry same-sex couples in they wish. The legislation then passed to presbyteries for further consideration and a report will be submitted to the 2022 General Assembly. “If a majority of presbyteries back the draft legislation and it is agreed by next year’s General Assembly, it will become Church law in Scotland only. Ministers and deacons will be able to apply for a license to become authorised celebrants for same-sex marriage ceremonies.” Watch this space!
  • In Summer 2017 The Scottish Episcopal Church (SEC) voted to allow gay couples to marry in church, provided that clergy who wished to officiate at gay marriages opted-in. The church said this meant that those who disagreed with gay marriage would be protected and would not have to act against their conscience.
  • The Scottish Catholic Church condemned same-sex marriage and preached against it in the run-up to the Scottish Parliament vote.

Geebz Photography
PHOTO | Geebz Photography from a styled photoshoot we will publish later this month

If you’ve set the date, tick the practicalities off in plenty time. You’ll need to submit a Marriage Notice Form or Civil Partnership Notice Form to the registrar in the local authority district where you’re saying, “I do”. The most important thing to remember is that the notice must be given in the three months before your big day – but no later than 29 days before. Set your reminders now…

The Gibsons
PHOTO | The Gibsons

  • You can choose how to be described on your marriage certificate. Go for ‘bride’, ‘groom’ or – if you’re trans and your marriage is being conducted by someone approved for mixed-sex marriages as well as same-sex – leave it blank.
  • Couples already in a civil partnership registered in Scotland can change it to a marriage. This can be a quick, simple admin procedure at any registry office. Or you can take full advantage of the opportunity, submitting notice to marry and celebrating with a great big wedding! Let’s get planning…

Emma Gray Photography
PHOTO | Emma Gray Photography

  • People can come to Scotland from anywhere in the world to tie the knot in a same-sex ceremony. Just remember to check whether you need to apply for a Marriage Visitor visa.
  • Couples in a same-sex marriage that’s been registered in another country (destination wedding or overseas elopement, anyone?) are recognised as married in Scotland. Yippee!

Remember that your wedding should be wonderful and go without a hitch, but in the event that you suspect any discrimination, the law (namely the Equality Act 2010) is on your side!

Geebz Photography
PHOTO | Geebz Photography

Look out for further features including gorgeous same-sex weddings this month

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