Tender Loving Wedding Style - column 2 featured image

Tender Loving Wedding Style – choosing our venue, moving our date – and trusting the timing!

Rachel’s style blog Tender Loving Style is a bit of a fashion and lifestyle bible for us here at Your Scottish Wedding.

So naturally we’re delighted she’s agreed to share all the stages of her and fiancé Brian’s road to their “I do’s” with us.

Tender Loving Wedding Style - column 2

Next up: the venue

As soon as we got engaged, the first thing on my planning agenda was finding the right venue.

At the time, I was a journalist for a wedding magazine, so I’d been lucky enough to experience lots of gorgeous wedding venues, but none stood out in my mind as being The One for our special day.

I’d never even been to Cornhill Castle in Biggar before, but something drew me to the countryside castle, so we booked an overnight stay for the end of September. We’d always known we wanted an autumnal wedding, so it was a perfect time in the year to go and stay for when we’d be planning to have our day.

As soon as we arrived, we just knew. It was literally the only venue we went to see, which is rare for someone like me who second guesses every decision I ever make! My top tip in choosing your venue? Trust your gut, every single time.

When we first booked our date, we felt three years was ages to go; we never really thought a global pandemic would hit in the meantime and push our date back further to 2023! Hello, five-year engagement!

As we approach what should have been our wedding day (25th September 2021), some of my friends and family have asked how I’m feeling. I’m an incredibly sentimental person so they – and I – thought I’d have been a lot more upset at having to let go of the date.

Now, I’m not going to say I didn’t cry my eyes out on the night I said I thought we should postpone, and I hold my hands up that I did get a weird pang of sadness when I first reopened one of my original wedding planning journals and saw our date there in black and white, but deep down I’ve always known it was the right decision for us.

Tender Loving Wedding Style - column 2

I’m trusting the universe has got our back in this. There have been plenty of positives to the situ, from Cornhill opening gorgeous new luxury lodges which weren’t planned when we first booked, to some suppliers we’d really wanted being unavailable for our first date who are now able to be part of our new date. The countdown has just started again, this time for September 2023.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m away back to mood boarding The Goldie Wedding 2.0…

Catch up with Rachel’s first Tender Loving Wedding Style column here

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