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What happens when your wedding photographer is stranded abroad?

Lottie and JD first met when they were students, and they had been together for 11 years by the time he proposed in 2018.

They planned their wedding for August 2020 and Lottie laughs that she wasn’t too keen on postponing when the pandemic hit – “I had waited long enough!”

However, the journey to their beautiful ceremony at Elsick House in Aberdeenshire was far from smooth, not least because their photographer Inga from Glitter & Twigs was stranded in Norway by Covid restrictions.

But thanks to the amazingly supportive network of photographers Inga could call on, Lottie and JD still got a gorgeous album with her signature style.

Here’s how they managed it.

Right from the beginning of wedding planning Lottie and JD prioritised finding a dynamic and modern photographer.

“Having beautiful photos to look back on in years to come was important to us,” says the bride.

And so they hit upon Glitter & Twigs.

Then lockdown happened and the couple quickly sensed their wedding would be affected.

“We kept the faith as we were determined to still get married no matter what,” says Lottie.

“At the time we had been together almost 13 years and neither of us wanted to wait any longer.”

In the weeks running up to the wedding the couple had to cancel or rearrange something almost every day in line with current guidelines.

Then the week before the wedding Aberdeen City was returned to full lockdown and Lottie remembers bursting into tears in the supermarket when she heard.

Luckily, their venue and none of their guests were in the city but their original make-up artist and hair stylist were.

Lottie’s amazing MUA Paula Beattie offered her an online tutorial to do her own make-up and even sent her a goodie bag for the session including samples, a notebook for top tips and some fizz.

Restrictions meant they also wouldn’t be able to have a meal at Elsick House or stay overnight.

And for the couple who’d had a clear vision of what they wanted in their wedding photography, a major blow came when Inga was stuck in Norway.

That’s when the amazing photographers’ group kicked in.

Even in pre-covid times professionals had colleagues in the industry they could call on in case of illness but that had never been more important.

“There’s been a lot of people rallying together where we’ve created groups,” explains Inga.

“We could get Covid any time and we need to have back-up.

“If you get a little bit ill you can still normally go [to the wedding] but now it’s more crucial we stay at home if we’re ill.”

Inga quickly organised replacement Emma Lawson to stand in for her at Lottie and JD’s wedding, while retaining all responsibility for editing the images in her own style.

Lottie says, “Luckily for us Inga chose Emma Lawson who was an absolute superstar on the day.

“Not many couples can say they had two wonderfully talented wedding photographers, and we feel very lucky we have the most stunning photographs to show for it.

“Inga’s professionalism, kindness and generosity were exceptional, and I will forever be grateful that we are a Glitter & Twigs couple.”

Having come through so much to get to their wedding when they woke up to a horrendous thunderstorm and flooding on the day it all seemed too much.

But the rain stopped in time and the day got warm, allowing them to hold their ceremony in the stunning walled garden at Elsick House.

“My dad walked me down the aisle, surrounded by the beautiful garden flowers, while my brother played Here Comes the Sun by The Beatles on his guitar,” says Lottie.

“When we chose it we didn’t realise how apt it would be after the torrential rainstorms. I think it made everyone smile more.”

Their beautiful religious ceremony was performed by the University of Aberdeen Chaplain, a friend and colleague of Lottie’s.

“It was incredibly beautiful and intimate, and it really felt like each person there was an important part of the ceremony,” she says.

“I don’t think either of us realised quite how much we would enjoy saying our vows.

“It was a truly special moment surrounded by our closest friends and family.”

After their ceremony and speeches at Elsick House the wedding part retired to the garden of two friends for delicious food supplied by the couple’s original caterers Hudsons.

“The simple fact that we had overcome so much to get to the day, not least a global pandemic and an apocalyptic storm that morning, made the feeling of finally all being together to celebrate a million times better than we could ever have imagined,” says Lottie.

I think the overwhelming feeling of the day was joy, just sheer joy that we were all together and it was sunny and warm.”

And now it’s over Lottie and JD are just grateful they were able to get married.

“It’s hard to describe but the feeling of knowing you are forever connected to a wonderful human being who loves you and who you love is just the best feeling in the world,” smiles Lottie.

“I think if we can get through 2020 together, then we can get through anything.”

Photographer’s Credits

These photos were taken and supplied by
Glitter & Twigs Photography and associate photographer
Emma Lawson Photography